
Friday, June 15, 2007

An Exceptional Boy

Well, last night was the sixth grade award ceremony ( a pseudo graduation, if you will). Spenser took home several awards!

Spelling Award, Math Award....

Most Improved Writer Award....

And most exciting, the President's Education Award for Outstanding Academic Acheivement! (Accompanied by a letter from President Bush and a pin, which Spenser's is proudly sporting today.)
Six years ago when he was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, if you had told me this could happen, I would have been stunned and in disbelief. Now that I see it, I am overjoyed, amazed, humbled. I am so very proud of my wonderful, extraordinary son.


Mary Bee said...

You must be an Angel yourself to have been blessed with your 3 boys. It looks like they are so lucky to have a mother who stands directly beside them. I am in awe of you, and congratulations to your son for his award. Some people are overwhelmed when one child is challenged, but you seem oh so even. Bless you.

My mother was one of the first teachers ever to teach challenged children in public school. Back in the mid 50's they didn't even know how to define who belonged in the class. But that is a whole other story.

Hope you are OK with me talking this. Somehow I think you are.

Fran said...

No fun to be ordinary anyway! that's what i'm talking about!
I bet he's so excited!
xoxo Fran

Anonymous said...

Ohhh what a lovely portrait you did of your son. You SHOULD be proud and I'm sure he is proud to have you for a mother. :) It's always outstandingly awsome when we see someone achieve something that is sooo unbelieveable. Please congradulate him for me!

Patricia J. Mosca said...

So very proud of HIM and YOU...You stand along side him and guide him with your loving and generous being. He learns by your example...NEVER GIVING UP!!!!!!!!!! This is awesome for the both of you!

Robin O’Neal said...

You rock!
A testament to your pure, honest mommy-love, patience & power.

Bursting with pride,


Unknown said...

This is AWESOME NEWS Nici!!! Congratulations Spencer!!! I hope he's just beaming, and keeps beaming all summer long from this...he's doing so, so well!!

photoholly said...

That's awesome!! Way to go. I wish that all kids were encouraged to perform to their full potential. You do an extraordinary job Nici.

Amy said...

Yay Spenser!

J C said...

Congrats to Spenser. I know he is proud, and I know you are. It's to your credit that he makes these achievements.